The Declaration of Principles of the Reformed Episcopal Church (without the negating commentary of other sites)
The Traditional Thirty-five Articles of the Reformed Episcopal Church (adopted at the Third General Council of the REC in 1876)
The 1930 Traditional Book of Common Prayer (reprinted in 1932 and 1963) - the "best Evangelical Book of Common Prayer that has ever been compiled"*
*From the Preface to the Fifth Edition of the Book of Common Prayer of the Reformed Episcopal Church

Bp. George David Cummins

Bp. Charles Edward Cheney
The Founders Said
The LORD's Table and not the Altar - Bishop George David Cummins
Bishop George David Cummins' Position on Vestments
Memoirs of George David Cummins - First Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Prepared by his wife
Bishop Charles Edward Cheney - What Reformed Episcopalians Believe - The Baptism Section
Bishop Charles Edward Cheney - What Reformed Episcopalians Believe - The Book of Common Prayer Section
Bishop Charles Edward Cheney - What Reformed Episcopalians Believe - The Office of Bishop
Bishop W. R. Nicholson - Liturgical Observance
Bishop W. R. Nicholson - Reasons Why I Became A Reformed Episcopalian
Bishop W. R. Nicholson - The Priesthood of the Church of God
Rev. Mr. John McDowell Leavitt - Reasons for Entering the Reformed Episcopal Church
The (traditional) Primacy of the Holy Bible in the Reformed Episcopal Church
Miscellaneous Quotes of Founders and Friends of the REC
Memoirs of the Reformed Episcopal Church - Benjamin Aycrigg, Ph.D.
A History of the Formation and Growth of the Reformed Episcopal Church 1873-1902 - Mrs. Annie Darling Price
Don't Call Me Father - Rev. Mr. Robert McIntyre
The Order for Holy Communion (From the Traditional REC Book of Common Prayer) - Printable on two sided printer and used as worship pamphlet
Minutes of the First General Council of the REC
Minutes of the Third General Council of the REC (including adoption of the Thirty-five Articles of Religion)
EC-FCE (Evangelical Connexion of the Free Church of England)
Here We Stand (Foundational Document of the EC-FCE)
A History of the Free Church of England otherwise called the Reformed Episcopal Church
1863 Free Church of England Deed